
A Dhampir in Balkan folklore is the child of a vampire and a human. The term is sometimes spelled dhampyre, dhamphir, or dhampyr. Dhampir powers are similar to those of vampires, but without the usual weaknesses.Dhampirs are supposed to be adept at detecting and killing vampires.Dhampirs have no magical gifts, but they are very strong and can turn into great warriors. Their reflexes and senses are the same as vampires with strength and endurance from humans.They heal faster then humans do.They feed the same way as humans do and have no problems being out in the sun. Their looks are human, too though they are described as being more attractive then humans. 

These dhampirs born were usually turned into vampire hunters because of their powers to detect and destroy the undead. In Serbia it is believed that vampires are invisible and that only dhampirs are able to see them, therefore dhampirs were paid to hunt down and kill these vamps. How this played out is a dhampir would  go out to kill the vampire.Some curse their undead parent and seek to slay him, hoping that such action can cleanse them of their own darkness; others express their hostility in a more general fashion by becoming hunters. Some decide that they must be irrevocably tainted with evil and set about to finding a dark power worthy of their servitude. Many are either unaware of their vampiric ancestry or refuse to believe in it; instead, they choose to see themselves as psychic, enlightened or touched by a cruel diety.

A tiny number have enough contact with their vampiric parents to learn whatever they may know about the world of the undead (which generally isn't much). This can be both good and bad.

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