
In traditional belief and fiction, a ghost is the soul or spirit of a deceased person or animal that can appear, in visible form or other manifestation, to the living. Descriptions of the apparition of ghosts vary widely from an invisible presence to translucent or barely visible wispy shapes, to realistic, life-like visions. The deliberate attempt to contact the spirit of a deceased person is known as necromancy.


When scientists debunk ghosts their first statement is usually, “there is no scientific proof of the existence of ghosts.” This is wrong. There is scientific proof.Science even has theories that explain something must be happening beyond what we know and what we can see. Albert Einstein (1879-1955),Time Magazine's Man of the Century and one of the greatest minds the world has known, taught us that energy cannot be created or destroyed.It can only be changed from one form of energy into another form of energy. This means that no matter what is done energy cannot be destroyed.

Another great scientist who believed in life after death was Thomas Edison, (1847-1931). Edison was a genius ahead of his time. He invented the light bulb, phonograph, typewriter, electric motor, stock ticker, and 1093 other patented inventions. One of the inventions that he worked on at the end of his career was a secret project, a machine that would let the living see and communicate with the souls of the
dead. Edison believed that that the soul was made up of what he referred to as “life units.” These microscopic particles or life units could rearrange into any form. They retained full memory, personality and
were indestructible. Edison's machine would detect these life units in the environment and allow living individual to communicate with the dead. He put many years of hard work into his new creation, but sadly,
he died before it was finished. Some called Edison crazy. Others thought that he was onto something bigger than the idea of the light bulb. They believed that if he would have had a little more time, we might all today be living in a very different world. It's been found that in almost every ghost haunting and poltergeist
that there are certain electrical elements at work. Using EMF detectors ghost hunters can monitor these electrical forces. These devices can examine and record even the smallest fluctuation in the surrounding
electromagnetic field. Everything gives off some kind of electromagnetic field, even our own bodies. Electrical appliances, like television sets and computers give off higher distortions than a lamp or a toaster would. When ghosts are present there are higher levels of electromagnetic distortions. Many times the distortions are so high that they interfere with the working abilities of computers systems and audio/video equipment. High levels of static electricity are also detectable.

Recording temperature changes is another scientific way of detecting the presence of ghosts. Fluctuations of more than 10 degrees have been recorded in small areas of rooms with constant temperatures. It's a scientific fact that there has to be some form of energy present to alter the temperature. Temperature does not change unless "something" is affecting it one way or the other. In many ghost sightings witnesses report feeling a cold spot. This could be caused by the fact that light does not seem to reflect correctly off of most ghosts, which also gives them a dark form. The light seems to be absorbed into the ghost. The theory is that ghosts absorb both light and heat energy causing the general area around that ghost to be several degrees cooler. There are also hot spots recorded, which could be just the reverse affect occurring. Instead of soaking up the light and heat the ghost is reflecting it back, causing the area to be warmer. These unexplainable electromagnetic fluctuations and temperature changes are scientific evidence that something is happening. Ghosts are real.


Everyone’s favorite friendly ghost was created in the late 1930s as a character in a story book, but was soon adapted into animation. Casper was created in the late 1930s by New York City native Seymour Reit and Joe Oriolo, the former devising the idea for the character and the latter providing illustrations.The New York-accented ghost was desperate to make friends after he got tired of scaring people all the time, much to the annoyance of his pesky uncles, The Ghostly Trio. The film adaptation in 1995 featured Christina Ricci and Bill Pullman.

The Brown Lady
This infamous ghost set the bench mark for ‘ghostly photographic evidence’ of the supernatural back in 1936. According to legend, this ghostly lady, who haunts Raynham Hall in Norfolk, England, is the spirit of Lady Townshend. The Lady of the manor was never allowed out of the house by her overbearing husband, Lord Charles Townshend in life, and so haunted the house in her death too.

Abe Lincoln et al
Abraham Lincoln was renowned for his belief in the supernatural, so it was no surprise that his spirit appeared numerous times around the White House to prove his point. Residents and guests have reported knocks on doors, stomping down corridors and mooching round rooms. First ladies Abigail Adams and Dolley Madison, plus Andrew Jackson, David Burns and little Willie Lincoln are also reported to haunt the most famous house in America.

The Amityville ghosts 
In November 1974, Ronald DeFeo shot six members of his family dead at his home in Ocean Avenue, Amityville. In December the following year, the Lutz family moved in but left after just 28 days after reportedly being terrorized by banging noises, oozing green slime and sinister eyes peeking through the window. Their experiences inspired the novel ‘The Amityville Horrors’ and later, two films.

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