Monday, 6 August 2012


Spirit guides are incorporeal beings that are assigned to us before we are born that help nudge and guide us through life.  They’re responsible for helping us fulfill the spiritual contract we make with ourselves before we incarnate.  Your higher self helps select these guides, who help us while we are living out our incarnation.

Who are these guides?
Some guides will stay with you throughout your entire life, and others will pop in every now and again to help you with specific areas of your life or goals you are trying to achieve.  These guides are at varying levels of consciousness themselves.  Some may be highly ascended masters and others might be your average spirit who just happens to be a master in a certain area.  They may appear to have a male or female energy, though in reality they are just energy.  They may be spirits who have had physical incarnations, or they might be spirits who have never taken corporeal form.  You may be the only person they are guiding, or they may be on the “panel” for other people as well.  They might be deceased relatives, but that is less likely.  When it’s time for your spirit guides to help you, they tune in to your energy and help direct you to fulfill your earthly mission.

Spirit Guides, as former  human beings, are well aware of the problems we face in our everyday, mundane lives.  They were once concerned with very similar matters.  They tend to have their own special areas of expertise, often based on past personal experiences or careers they have had in a past life.
Your Spirit Guide is always there to help you.  This is their sole purpose, to offer the living their help and guidance.

However, as spirits, they operate on a higher vibrational frequency than mortals do, so the majority of us cannot see them, cannot hear them, and cannot sense their presence.


One of the first mentions of the automatic writing method used in the Ouija board is found in China around 1100 B.C., and it is first recorded in historical documents of the Song Dynasty. The method was known as fuji “planchette writing”.
One source notes that, according to a Greek historical account of the philosopher Pythagoras, in 540 B.C. his sect would conduct séances at “a mystic table, moving on wheels, moved towards signs, which the philosopher and his pupil, Philolaus, interpreted to the audience as being revelations supposedly from an unseen world.

An ouija board, also known as spirit board or talking board is a flat board marked with letters, numbers, and other symbols, supposedly used to communicate with spirits. It uses a planchette (small heart-shaped piece of wood) or movable indicator to indicate the spirit’s message by spelling it out on the board during a séance. The fingers of the séance participants are placed on the planchette, which then moves about the board to spell out messages.

Since its invention in the late nineteenth century, the Oujia board has been associated with the threat of demonic possession. Consequently, mainstream Christian denominations have warned against using Ouija boards. Occultists, on the other hand, are divided on the issue, with some saying that it can be a positive transformation; others echo the warnings of many Christians and caution inexperienced users against it.

This is the act of disciplined contemplation and reflection. Highly disciplined meditation is set towards the goal of enlightenment and possibly the connection with spirit guides. It is the process of silence and reflection, proper breathing is critical, and finding that peaceful quiet place of the mind is essential.

Until one is experienced with meditation, it is best to start with guided meditations that are available on recordings from many different vendors. In many of these recordings a verbal guide will take one through the steps necessary to achieve balance, serenity, and peace. Once there one may be guided into a secret garden, or a beach, or even a mountaintop.

Then one will attempt visualization techniques to create a world around their mind.Once someone has developed a safe quiet place that is their own it is much easier for the guides to approach. In meditation one is less apprehensive, it is their created space, and they control the environment, so there is a level of safety
that is designed into the creation whether it was subconscious or not. By this time become aware of the subtle messages that abound in the spirit world. It just takes that quiet time to be able to listen.

 A deeper form of meditation. But in this case the person can often travel via spirit form to other places, or other planes of existence, and sometimes very rarely they can travel time. Astral Projection is a method of such deep meditation that one is able to utilize the eternal energy form (spirit) and for a time leave the body. First one should master the meditations, and then slowly move into the Astral Projections. Taking very small steps and learning slowly.

It is unusual but possible to lose oneself in the astral. It can be much like taking a walk in the woods and becoming so involved in the journey that one actually forgets their way. The difference is with Astral Projection the spirit is always connected to the body via a silver cord. Remembering that on astral journeys is essential.

By utilizing astral travel one can learn to ascend or descend the dimensions that exist.By achieving the multidimensional travel among the planes of existence one is able to become aware of lessons and possibilities that exist that never were considered before.

 This is the practice of allowing the spirit guide to control the writing hand and the ability for them to convey written messages. The use of a dedicated folder, binder, or other resource that holds paper is recommended.

Focus, relaxation, and the overcoming apprehension are essential in automatic writing. When a guide takes over and begins to write it is a very symbiotic relationship. It is a relationship that is mutual and giving from both sides. Focus on allowing the pen to write, not what is should write. Automatic writing is not about focusing on the words, it is about allowing the action. I have even known several artists that utilize similar methods for there various mediums. Allowing the paint to flow and become what it is meant to be is a way to think about it. An alternative to writing words is the drawing os symbols or pictures in order to convey a message, that is a method of automatic writing also.

 An ancient tradition common with old European, African, and Native American traditions. It is to exercise extreme physical action in order to allow the mind to enter a state of connection with spirit guides. This can include sweat lodges, physical exertion (running in the heat), and some cultures use hallucinogenics to enable the vision quest.

Like meditation and astral projection methods, vision quests take a fair amount of preparation on all three levels. Physical, spiritual, and mental disciplines are essential in order to have an effective vision quest. Take time to prepare, exercise and get the physical body in shape. Focus on cleansing the spirit of negative energies. And take time to contemplate the journey you are going to participate in. These events should not be taken light heartedly, but rather seriously.

A method most commonly utilized by pagans, gypsys, and some mediums to call upon specific spirits and draw them into the presence of the group. Sometimes utilized during seances, but most often during pagan ritual in order to commune with loved ones, diety, fairy, mythology, and the magic of earth herself.

Invoking Spirits most often utilizes a ritual that embraces the elements of the spirit being summoned. The ritual takes into consideration the elements that the spirit prefers, to include; herbs, incense, flowers, stones, and etc. Often it entails the casting of a circle and the recitation of a poem, ode, or song to the spirit. And then it proceeds to commune with the spirit for lessons to be learned or messages to be conveyed. These rituals can be conducted in solitude or group formats.


Psychological  Help
Sometimes you might have noticed , or it may have occurred to you at some instant of your life, that you are about to do an important task, but at the end moment a thought clouds your mind, and you think ' no i should do it this way, it will be far more better ' ,and you change your decisions at the end moment hence directing your tasks to a right path. The change of direction of thoughts in your mind may be caused by your spirit guides, thus helping you in a psychological way.

Physical  Help
You might have met a stranger in your life who just came to help you and then disappeared somewhere in the dark corner of the world. That stranger came to you when you needed someone's help, or he/she came to you when you were lost in the darkest corners or when you needed psychological support and when that person came to you, you felt that you have met him before, or you know him/her , or you have a close bonding, however you were meeting that person for the first time in your life, that someone might be your spirit guide, who came to help you in a humanly form, and when he thought that he has directed you to the right path, or has helped you he/she then disappears.

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